What Says The Quran About Jesus | Muslim View on Christ

Did you know the Quran, Islam’s central text, talks about Jesus (Isa in Arabic) more than any other prophet, except Muhammad? This fact shows how important Jesus is in Islam. It also shows why we should understand the Quran’s view of him.

In this article, we’ll explore what the Quran says about Jesus. We’ll look at his status, his role as a prophet, and the unique insights the Quran offers about his life and message. By learning about the Muslim view on Jesus, we can better appreciate the commonalities and differences between Islam and Christianity.

what says the qur'an about jesus

A serene and beautiful landscape featuring a mosque in the foreground, with a soft golden light illuminating the scene. In the background, a peaceful hill where silhouettes of diverse people are seen in contemplation, reflecting unity and respect. Ethereal clouds gently drift above, creating a harmonious atmosphere. The overall mood conveys reverence and spirituality, symbolizing the Muslim perspective on Jesus as a revered figure.

Key Takeaways

  • The Quran mentions the name of Jesus (Isa) more than any other prophet, except for Muhammad.
  • Jesus is highly revered in Islam as a prophet, messenger, and miracle-worker.
  • The Quran provides unique insights into Jesus’s birth, ministry, and the significance of his prophethood.
  • While there are similarities between the Islamic and Christian views of Jesus, there are also important theological differences.
  • Understanding the Quranic perspective on Jesus is crucial for bridging the gap between these two major world religions.

What Says The Qur’an About Jesus: An Introduction

The Qur’an, Islam’s holy book, sees Jesus (Isa in Arabic) as a respected prophet and messenger. It views him differently than Christians in some ways. Yet, it highlights his importance and role in the history of prophets.

In the Qur’an, Jesus is talked about many times. His life and teachings are detailed. Muslims see him as a prophet, a messenger of Allah, and a key figure in God’s plan. The Qur’an confirms his virgin birth, miracles, and prophethood. It also stresses his role as a servant and messenger of God, not as the son of God.

To grasp the Islamic perspective on Jesus, we must look at the Quranic teachings. This section will explore Jesus’s names and titles in the Qur’an. It will also cover his miraculous birth, ministry, and his role as a prophet and messenger in Islamic scripture.

“And [mention, O Muhammad], when the angels said, ‘O Mary, Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary – distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah].'”
– Quran, Surah Al-Imran, 3:45

jesus in the quran

A serene and ethereal landscape depicting a radiant figure representing Jesus, surrounded by elements symbolizing peace and spirituality, with gentle waves of light and intricate patterns reminiscent of Islamic art in the background. The atmosphere is tranquil and reflective, with soft colors blending harmoniously to evoke a sense of reverence and connection.

Key Aspects of Jesus in the Qur’anDescription
Prophethood and MessengershipThe Qur’an recognizes Jesus as a prophet of God and a messenger sent to guide humanity.
Virgin BirthThe Qur’an affirms the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus, born to the Virgin Mary (Maryam).
MiraclesThe Qur’an describes various miracles performed by Jesus, such as healing the sick and raising the dead.
Servant and Messenger of GodThe Qur’an emphasizes that Jesus is a servant and messenger of God, rather than the son of God.

Jesus’s Names and Titles in Islamic Scripture

In the Quran, Jesus is called by many names and titles. These reflect his importance in Islamic tradition. Understanding these names gives us insight into the Muslim view of Jesus.

The Meaning of Isa in Islam

The most common name for Jesus in the Quran is “Isa.” It’s the Arabic version of Jesus. This name highlights Jesus’s role as a prophet and his link to Abraham.

Isa is seen as a messenger of God. He was sent to guide people with divine wisdom and teachings.

Al-Masih: Jesus as the Messiah

Another important title for Jesus in the Quran is “Al-Masih,” meaning “the Messiah.” This shows Jesus was anointed by God for a special role. Muslims believe he was a savior and deliverer.

But, the Muslim view of the Messiah is different from the Christian one. It doesn’t include ideas of divine sonship or atoning sacrifice.

Other Honorific Titles in the Quran

  • Ruh Allah (Spirit of God): This title shows Jesus’s special spiritual connection with God.
  • Kalimah Allah (Word of God): This refers to Jesus as the embodiment of God’s divine word and message.
  • Rasul Allah (Messenger of God): This title emphasizes Jesus’s role as a prophet and messenger, sent to convey God’s teachings.

These names and titles show the diverse ways Jesus is seen and respected in Islamic scripture and tradition. By exploring these, we understand more about the quranic verses about jesus and jesus’s role in islam.

jesus in islam

A serene scene depicting a radiant figure embodying Jesus as he is perceived in Islam, surrounded by soft clouds and gentle light. The figure features traditional attire reminiscent of Middle Eastern culture, with a flowing robe and a modest headdress. In the background, lush greenery and tranquil waters symbolize peace and spirituality. The atmosphere is harmonious, evoking a sense of reverence and unity, with subtle hints of Islamic architecture like arches and geometric patterns in the distance.

The Virgin Birth and Jesus’s Mother Mary

In the Islamic faith, the Quranic teachings on Jesus are very important. They talk about the virgin birth and Mary, Jesus’s mother. The Quran tells us about Jesus’s miraculous birth and Mary’s purity.

Mary is seen as a virtuous and chaste woman in Islam. The Quran says God chose her to bear the Messiah. It talks about her devotion and her role in the immaculate conception. Islamic beliefs about Jesus say Mary was a pure and righteous woman, without sin.

“And [mention, O Muhammad], when the angels said, ‘O Mary,indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds.'”(Quran 3:42)

The quranic teachings on Jesus also highlight the miraculous nature of his birth. Jesus was born without a father. This shows God’s power and Jesus’s special status as a prophet and Messiah.

In Islamic tradition, Mary is highly revered. She is considered one of the most virtuous women in history. Her faith and role in Jesus’s birth make her important in the Quran and Islamic teachings.

Miracles of Jesus According to Islamic Teachings

In the Islamic tradition, the Quran talks about several miracles of Jesus (peace be upon him). These miracles show his divine power and the message he brought to us. They remind us of Jesus’s special status as a prophet of God.

Speaking from the Cradle

One amazing miracle is Jesus speaking as an infant. The Quran tells us that Jesus defended his mother Mary’s honor and said he was a prophet. This shows Jesus’s divine mission from the start of his life.

Healing the Sick and Raising the Dead

The Quran also mentions Jesus’s power to heal and bring back the dead. Jesus could cure the blind, the lepers, and the sick. He could also make the dead come back to life with God’s permission. These miracles show Jesus’s spiritual power and his compassion for people.

Creating Birds from Clay

Another miracle is Jesus creating birds from clay. The Quran says Jesus would shape clay into bird shapes and then breathe life into them. They would fly away. This miracle shows Jesus’s divine powers and his role as a creator.

These miracles in the Quran highlight Jesus’s spiritual importance and the message he brought. They show the deep respect Muslims have for Jesus, the prophet of God.

“indeed, i am the servant of allah. he has given me the scripture and made me a prophet.” (quran 19:30)

Jesus’s Message and Prophethood in Islam

In Islam, jesus’s role in islam is that of a respected prophet. The Quran, Islam’s main text, shows jesus’s role in islam as a messenger. He preached the importance of believing in one God.

According to the islamic perspective on jesus, Jesus, or Isa in Arabic, was a prophet. He came to confirm the teachings of prophets like Moses and Abraham. He called people to worship only God.

The Quran says Jesus didn’t start a new religion. Instead, he renewed the message of tawheed, or believing in one God. jesus’s role in islam is to guide people to worship Allah alone. He taught against polytheism or idolatry.

  • Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary, a key figure in Islamic theology.
  • The Quran calls Jesus a miracle-worker. He could heal the sick and raise the dead, proving his prophethood.
  • Jesus is also known for teaching about compassion, justice, and morality. These teachings are highly valued in the islamic perspective on jesus.

Even though the islamic perspective on jesus has differences with Christianity, Muslims see Jesus as a true prophet. They believe he was sent to guide humanity towards righteousness and salvation.

“Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of God, and His word which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit from Him.” (Quran 4:171)

The Islamic teachings on jesus’s role in islam highlight his importance as a prophet. They also recognize the unique and divine role of the Prophet Muhammad as Islam’s final messenger.

The Islamic Perspective on Jesus’s Crucifixion

The Islamic view on Jesus’s crucifixion is different from what Christians believe. Muslims think Jesus wasn’t actually crucified. Instead, someone who looked like him was killed in his place. This idea comes from quranic verses about jesus and islamic beliefs about jesus.

Different Interpretations of the Event

The Quran offers various views on the crucifixion. Some Islamic scholars think Jesus was saved from the cross by a miracle. Others believe it was a spiritual event, not a physical one. Some even think Jesus was crucified but didn’t die and was taken to heaven by God.

Quranic Verses About the Crucifixion

The Quran talks about Jesus’s crucifixion in several verses, like:

“And [for] their saying, ‘We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.’ They didn’t kill him, nor did they crucify him; but someone who looked like him was made to resemble him to them. And those who doubt about it are in doubt. They have no knowledge of it except following their own assumptions. And they didn’t kill him, for sure.”
– Quran 4:157

This verse implies Jesus wasn’t crucified. Instead, someone who looked like him was killed by mistake.

The Quran’s account of the crucifixion is still debated among Muslim scholars and followers. Yet, the main belief is that Jesus wasn’t killed on the cross. He was saved by God and went to heaven.

Jesus’s Second Coming in Islamic Belief

In Islam, believing in Jesus’s second coming is very important. The Quran and many sayings of the Prophet Muhammad talk about this event. It’s called the Maseeh ad-Dajjāl (the false Messiah) and Jesus, or Isa, plays a big role in these end-time stories.

The Quran says Jesus will come back to Earth to bring justice and defeat the Dajjal, a bad figure. The Hadith give more details. They say Isa will come down from heaven, team up with the Mahdi, and fight against the Dajjal and his followers.

The Islamic belief in Jesus’s second coming is linked to the Yawm al-Qiyamah, or the Day of Resurrection. Muslims believe Isa will be key in the events before and during the final judgment. This is when everyone will be judged for what they did.

Key Aspects of Jesus’s Second Coming in IslamDescription
Purpose of the ReturnTo restore justice, defeat the Dajjal, and lead the struggle against evil
Timing of the EventThe return will occur before the Day of Resurrection, as part of the end-times prophecies
Role of Jesus (Isa)Isa will descend from heaven, join forces with the Mahdi, and lead the fight against the Dajjal

The belief in Jesus’s second coming is a key part of Islam. It gives Muslims hope and guidance in today’s world. It also prepares them for the Day of Judgment.

Comparing Islamic and Christian Views of Jesus

Islam and Christianity both see Jesus as a prophet and messenger of God. Yet, they have different views on his role. Let’s look at where they agree and disagree.

Key Similarities Between the Faiths

Both Islam and Christianity see Jesus as a prophet and messenger. The Quran calls Jesus the Messiah and a respected figure. They also agree on Jesus’ virgin birth and sinless nature.

Main Theological Differences

The main difference is about the Trinity. Christianity believes in God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Islam, on the other hand, believes in one God only.

Islam also believes Jesus was not crucified but taken up to heaven by God. This is different from Christianity, which sees Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection as key.

AspectIslamic PerspectiveChristian Perspective
Concept of GodAbsolute monotheism, rejection of the TrinityBelief in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
Crucifixion of JesusJesus was not crucified, but rather raised up to heavenJesus was crucified and resurrected, central to Christian faith
Divinity of JesusJesus is a prophet and messenger of God, but not divineJesus is the Son of God, and is divine

Islam and Christianity both honor Jesus deeply. But their views on his nature and role are very different. Understanding these differences helps us see the rich diversity in Abrahamic traditions.


We’ve looked into how Islam views Jesus, based on the Quran. The Quran says Jesus was a prophet, born without a father, and had special powers. It also talks about his message of one God and living righteously.

Even though Islam and Christianity see Jesus differently, Muslims respect him a lot. They see him as a messenger, healer, and guide for all people.

By studying the Quran, we learn more about the what says the islam about jesus and the islamic point of view about jesus. This helps us understand Jesus in a new way. It also helps us talk better with people of other faiths.

In the end, we see how Jesus has touched many lives, beyond just one faith. The Quran teaches us about the big message of God. It reminds us to care for each other, fight for justice, and follow God with all our hearts.


What is the Islamic view of Jesus?

In Islam, Jesus, or Isa, is a highly respected prophet. The Quran talks about his virgin birth, miracles, and his role as the Messiah. It also highlights his message of worshiping one God, Allah.

What are the names and titles of Jesus in the Quran?

The Quran calls Jesus by names like Isa, Al-Masih, Ibn Maryam, and Kalimatu’llah. These names show his unique importance in Islamic teachings.

How does the Quran describe the virgin birth of Jesus?

The Quran says Jesus was born to Mary without a father. It sees this as a sign of God’s power and Jesus’s special status as a prophet.

What miracles of Jesus are mentioned in the Quran?

The Quran talks about Jesus’s miracles, like speaking as a baby, healing, raising the dead, and making birds from clay. These miracles prove his prophethood and divine help.

What is the Islamic perspective on the crucifixion of Jesus?

The Quran offers a different view of Jesus’s crucifixion than Christians. It says Jesus wasn’t killed or crucified, and God saved him.

What is the Islamic belief about the second coming of Jesus?

Islamic teachings say Jesus will come back to Earth in the end times. He will defeat the Antichrist, bring justice, and prepare for the final judgment. His return is a key event in Islamic eschatology.

How do Islamic and Christian views of Jesus differ?

Islamic and Christian views of Jesus share some similarities, like his virgin birth and prophethood. But there are big theological differences. These include the Islamic rejection of the Trinity and Jesus’s divinity, and different views on his crucifixion and resurrection.

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